Unit 13
Methods to help learners
develop learning strategies
Definitions with an asterisk * are revised from TKT Modules 1,2,3 Glossary
Examples of learning strategies
Every day we work hard to encourage our learners to improve their learning
  • selecting and setting learning goals
  • deciding on criteria to measure how well a task can be done
  • analysing the task, its purpose and what has to be done
  • working out timing of stages

*identifying key content vocabulary
*predicting meanings of content vocabulary and predicting text content
*guessing meanings of new words
*asking for clarification
*drafting work
*risk taking and experimenting with new concepts and language
*using some L1 for specific purpose (e.g. checking a concept, looking up a bilingual dictionary, checking meaning of vocabulary with a peer)
*note taking
*organising work
*personalising learning

  • deciding how to remember new words and concepts
  • making visual prompts to aid memory
  • reviewing work alone or in small groups
  • exchanging work with a partner and asking for feedback
  • comparing work with previous work and deciding how it has improved
  • editing work
  • summarising work


Learning strategies

Metacognition = thinking about thinking
a learning strategy
  1. preparing and planning for learning (activating prior knowledge)
  2. selecting and using strategies
  3. monitoring learning
  4. integrating strategies (content and language)
  5. evaluating learning (content and language)
In CLIL programmes
a double challenge:
V learning strategies for learning about subject knowledge
V learning strategies for learning about the language of the curricular subject

Quizes on learning strategies
Choose the appropriate option
Put the stages logically
Subject specific vocabulary

Defintions are taken from TKT: CLIL Handbook, p. 24
playscript сценарий
recount воспоминания, рассказ, повествование
non-fiction нехудожественный
narrative повествовательный, повествование, рассказ, повесть, изложение фактов
anthology сборник, альманах, антология, хрестоматия