Cognitive skills
Definitions with an asterisk (*) are revised from TKT Modules 1,2,3 Glossary
What is remembering as a process?
Associated verbs: recognise, recall

Examples of activities:
label, list, identify, match, name, recite, spell, state facts, tell

What is understanding as a process?
Associated verbs: explain, interpret

Examples of activities
: classify, compare, define, describe, draw, give examples, order, predict, sequence, translate

What is applying as a process?
Associated verbs: carry out, do

Examples of activities
: calculate, experiment, find out, interview, prepare, present, research, show
What is analysing as a process?
Associated verbs: examine, reason

Examples of activities: analyse, choose, decide, deduce, examine, give reasons, justify, show the difference between, solve

What is evaluating as a process?
Associated verbs: evaluate, assess

Examples of activities
: conclude, consider, give an opinion, judge, prove, rate, recommend
What is creating as a process?
Associated verbs: make, produce

Examples of activities
: build, change, compose, create, design, imagine, invent

*Find and collect relevant information
*Organise information
*Sort / classify / sequence information
*Compare / contrast information
*Identify and analyse relationships
*Represent or communicate information
Information-processing skills
*Give reasons for opinions / actions
*Infer from observations, facts, experience
*Make conclusions
*Argue or explain a point of view
*Make informed judgments / decisions from evidence
*Use precise language to explain what they think
*Explain cause and effect
Reasoning skills
*Ask relevant questions
*Define problems
*Plan what to do and how to research
*Predict outcomes
*Anticipate consequences
*Test conclusions
*Improve ideas
Enquiry skills
*Generate ideas
*Develop ideas *
*Imagine or hypothesise
*Apply imagination
*Looking for innovative solutions
*Think of alternative outcomes
Creative thinking skills
*Judge the value of what they hear, say, read, write and do
*Develop evaluation criteria for judging the value of their own and others' work or ideas
*Apply evaluation criteria
*Have confidence in their judgments
*Make recommendations
Evaluation skills
Subject specific vocabulary
Art and Craft / Design Vocabulary
taken from TKT: CLIL Handbook, p. 23
carve вырезать, ваять
complementary color дополнительный цвет
dye краситель, окрашивание
engraving гравюра
fabric ткань, структура, полотно
foreground передний план
mixed media мастер на все руки
mould формочка, формировать, лепить
perspective ракурс, проекция
primary colours основные цвета
repeated pattern повторяющийся шаблон
secondary colors вторичные цвета
still life натюрморт
texture структура, строение, консистенция
tone тон, оттенок
watercolor акварель