Definitions with an asterisk * are revised from TKT Modules 1,2,3 Glossary
Making many images so that they appear to moveon a screen (e.g. computer animation)
A dark style of letters which can be selected on the computer toolbar.
The way in which a text is organised and presented on a page. Certain texts have special layouts; e.g. letters and newspaper articles have different layouts.
Written instructionsfor an exercise, activity or task in a test (e.g. for a multiple-choice task the rubric might be: For questions 1 – 7, choose the best option (A, B or C) to complete each of the statements.)
A list of key words required for learning subject concepts. It can be used to pre-teach, to support, input and to help learners remember key subject vocabulary.
a list of wordswith their meanings. In CLIL, a glossary is either in the target language with target language meanings or in the target language with L1 meanings.
ELT coursebooks and materials
Functional syllabus
CLIL materials
translated from the L1 curriculum
taken fromnative speaker coursebooks
Downloaded from the Internet
Made by teachers
CLIL Coursebooks
Wide range of content vocabulary
Language is nearer native speaker
Content often linked to the L1 curriculum
Subject specific skills are developed (e.g. enterpreting data: looking at evidence)
ELT Coursebooks
About 8-10 new vocabulary items
Language is graded
Rarely planned to match the L1 curriculum
Historical skill are not usually developed
Native speaker website
Wide range of content vocabulary
Advanced use of language
Content linked to a national curriculum
Subject specific skills developed (use of time-lines, photographical evidence, documentary)